Exhibition proposals

The Art Gallery of York University does not accept exhibition proposals. Exhibitions are organized by the gallery’s curators and programmed two to three years in advance. The curators conduct research on artists on an ongoing basis.

We do, however, accept informational packages and portfolios from artists and curators as part of ongoing research. Curatorial staff meets three times a year to collectively review submitted packages. Any portfolios sent to the gallery will be reviewed with great interest as we appreciate being made aware of all contemporary practices. Portfolios should be sent to TheGoldfarbGallery[at]yorku.ca with the subject line Informational Package for Review. While physical packages may also be mailed to the gallery, we cannot guarantee return of any package so submitted. We strive to respond to all packages sent.

The Art Gallery of York University (AGYU) is a socially minded not-for-profit contemporary art gallery that is a space for the creation and appreciation of art and culture. It is a supported Unit of York University within the President’s Division. We are externally funded as a public art gallery through the Canada Council for the Arts, the Ontario Arts Council, the Toronto Arts Council, local and international foundations, embassies, and our membership who support all our programs.

Please note, as a public gallery funded by federal, provincial, and municipal arts councils for our programming, we cannot exhibit York University faculty nor student exhibitions. We do work with students through the University’s work study program and in mentorship capacities. We are interested in collaborating with student groups and have exhibited the work of York University alumni.

Student Opportunities

The Goldfarb Gallery offers several opportunities for York students and other interested individuals to gain valuable experience in gallery programming, outreach and engagement, and office administration. Whether you are an art enthusiast or considering a career in a creative industry, your involvement with a professionally staffed gallery will further your knowledge and exposure to contemporary artists and gallery practices. The Goldfarb Gallery offers multiple streams of employment and volunteer opportunities, and we are happy to accept experiential learning placements on a case-by-case basis.

York University Gallery Attendant Work-Study Positions

In the fall/winter and summer terms, The Goldfarb Gallery welcomes YorkU students to work part-time (10 to 15 hrs per week) in the gallery and assist with programming. These positions are posted on the York careers website in April for the summer session and July for the fall/winter session. You must apply for them through the careers website, not directly to the gallery. Applications require a cover letter and CV.

Eligibility requirements for these positions are determined by the University. They are for students who demonstrate financial need, so applicants have to fill out the student financial profile. See https://students.yorku.ca/sfs for more info.

To be eligible, a candidate must be:

• Undergraduate student enrolled in a York U degree program
• Canadian citizen, permanent resident, or protected person
• Demonstrate financial need
• Demonstrate satisfactory academic progress (i.e., not on academic warning/probation)
• Have not defaulted on previous student loans or other government bursary programs
Fall/Winter session (September to April): must be registered full-time in both the fall and winter terms—at least nine credits in each term or at least six credits in each term for students with a permanent disability
Summer session (May to August): must be registered full-time in the summer semester (at least nine credits or at least six credits for students with a permanent disability) OR registered as a full-time student in the preceding winter term and returning to full-time studies in the following fall term.


Young Canada Works (YCW)

In the summer, the Gallery hires students through the YCW in Heritage Organizations program and in the fall/winter recent graduates through the Young Canada Works Building Careers in Heritage program. Open to youth across Canada, you may search and learn about job postings by registering on the Young Canada Works website (https://young-canada-works.canada.ca/). Please see below for the current eligibility guidelines for the program. These positions are subject to the success of our grant applications and specific job descriptions change with the needs of our operations and programs. All YCW job opportunities are announced on our website, through email announcements (please subscribe), and through our social media platforms.

Summer YCW Position(s)
One to two students are hired for the summer. Job descriptions are posted by April at the latest and the position starts in May.

To be eligible, a candidate must be:

• Legally entitled to work in Canada
• A Canadian citizen, permanent resident, or have refugee status in Canada (Note: Non-Canadian students holding temporary work visas or awaiting permanent status are not eligible.)
• Between 15* and 30 years of age at the start of YCW employment (*where permissible under provincial/territorial labour laws);
registered as a full-time student in the semester preceding the YCW job and intend to return to full-time studies in the semester immediately following the YCW summer job
• Willing to commit to the full duration of the work assignment (minimum 30 hours a week) and not have another full-time job (over 30 hours a week) while employed with YCW
• Registered in the YCW online candidate inventory

Fall/Winter YCW Position(s)
One person is hired for a term from September to March through the Young Canada Works Building Careers in Heritage program. This one is open to graduates from across Canada and has huge career-starter potential. Job postings are posted in July and start in September.

To be eligible, a candidate must be:

• Legally entitled to work in Canada
• A Canadian citizen, permanent resident or have refugee status in Canada (Note: Non-Canadian students holding temporary work visas or awaiting permanent status are not eligible)
• Between 16 and 30 years of age at the start of YCW employment
• Currently unemployed or underemployted and not have another full-time job (over 30 hours a week) while employed with the program
A college or university graduate
• Not receiving Employment Insurance (EI) benefits while employed with the program
• Registered in the YCW online candidate inventory


Experiential Placement Opportunities

We are happy to accept Expressions of Interest from students who are seeking to complete a practicum. This opportunity is open to students across Canada. If considering The Goldfarb Gallery for your practicum, please send a short introductory e-mail to Curator Felicia Mings at mings[at]yorku.ca with your CV, expression of interest, and details of your placement requirements. We accept placements on a case-by-case basis, depending on the needs of the student’s placement, the availability of a Gallery staff member, and the placement’s needs aligning with our programming goals for the year.

Volunteer Opportunities

The Goldfarb Gallery has two volunteer streams for York University students, local high school students, and community members.

  • Volunteer Gallery Attendants: Individuals who commit to a semester or academic year-long position for 2.5 hours per week. Volunteer Gallery Attendants primary role is to assist with front of house duties, such as welcoming audiences to the gallery. All volunteers will receive a certificate of service at the completion of the semester.
  • Casual Volunteer: Individuals who are added to a list of casual volunteers and are contacted as needed for special events, programs, and projects.

All Gallery volunteers participate in gallery orientation and are invited to quarterly professional development workshops that focus on preparing students for careers in the arts. Please click here to fill out our volunteer form, which can be accessed from May to August.

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