Meeting Place: Robert Gober, Liz Magor, and Juan Muñoz

Art Gallery of York University, 1990
Four booklets: vol. 1: 16 pp, 3 b&w plates;
vol. 2: 12 pp, 8 b&w plates;
vol. 3: 16 pp, 19 b&w plates;
vol. 4: 16 pp, 9 b&w plates;
ISBN: 0-921972-04-0
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A catalogue consisting of four individually bound books contained in one slipcase, which includes original artists’ books by: Robert Gober (New York), Liz Magor (Toronto) and Juan Muñoz (Madrid, Spain) An essay by guest curator, Gregory Salzman, discusses the duality of these artists’ work, their apparent legibility in terms of form and reference, yet the ungraspability of their place within the realm of the imagination. (Stapled and stitched versions available.)