Ness Lee multiple:Connected, Here Together
Enamelled zinc alloy lapel pin, 2020
Limited edition of 250, commissioned by AGYU
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Ness Lee’s distinctive style comes from their thoughtful reflection on intimacy and self-love, allowing for vulnerability, discomfort, and acceptance. Lee intertwines historical occurrences with personal narratives to create tender and ethereal artworks. This artist multiple was commissioned by the AGYU in conjunction with a mural developed in collaboration between Lee and York University’s TBLGAY, a safer space for the queer, trans, and asexual community on campus. AGYU imagined this intricate work as a symbol of connectedness during this time of global isolation.
Nee Lee’s work has been featured at the Art Gallery of Ontario, the Agnes Etherington Art Centre in Kingston, and the Art Gallery of Hamilton, as well as numerous art galleries in New York, Boston, Los Angeles, Montreal, and Toronto. Lee has also participated in mural festivals across Canada and internationally in Hyderabad, India, and Cozumel, Mexico.
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