The Performance Bus:
Oliver Husain: Bingo Dilemma
Oliver Husain: Bingo Dilemma
22 Sep 2011
B1, I2, N3, G88 O4: B7. I22, N33, G22, O15,
B16: I16. N46. G43. O40! B80! I34! N29 G29:
O30. B45! I56? N24? G67, O69. B67. I79. N82.
G89…O90. B20? I21…N23, G3, O2: B13
At the beginning, one little duck, one little flea wobbly wobbly on the floor: lucky. Two little ducks, two little fleas, toot toot young and keen, sweet sixteen: coming of age. Up to tricks. Down on your knees. Two score! Four score! Ask for more! You’re doing fine in your prime: Flirty thirty. Half way there! Was she worth it? Did you score? The same both ways, anyway round. Either way up. One more time. Straight on through. Nearly there…end of the line. Getting plenty? If only I was… A duck and a flea, you and me, me and you: unlucky for some. Block out.
Oliver Husain’s Bingo Dilemma Performance Bus.