Portals, Potions, and Archives with Jehan Roberson (IRL and livestream)
Saturday, September 18, 2021 at 3:00pm EDT

Jehan Roberson uses collaboration as an approach within her interdisciplinary art practice. Projects such as ancestral futurities, a psalm for the mismeasured and unfit, and TALIXMXN are all collaborative projects that are co-conceived and produced with artists, choregraphers, writers, and family members. She is a magnanimous writer whose work has been published in Public Books, Apogee, VICE, Zora, Women & Performance, and Recess Art, among others. She is currently based in Ithaca, New York, where she is a PhD student in English Language and Literatures at Cornell University.
This artist talk is presented as part of a constellation of talks, performances and public engagements for Jess Dobkin’s Wetrospective. The AGYU would like to thank: 16 TONNES, ampd*, FADO Performance Art Centre, franklin furnace, Hemispheric encounters (SSHRC), polyjohn, QUEST AV, and Sensorium.
See also: