Emergent: A Mobile Gallery featuring The Connection
Roberta Buiani, Kavi, Lorella Di Cintio, Michaela Pnacekova
In the colonnade of the Accolade West Building
Saturday, October 1, 2022
7:00pm to 7:00am
Emergent: A Mobile Gallery featuring The Connection, 2022, a multi-sensory installation
The Connection by Michaela Pnacekova is an interactive story-world of speculative futures of new forms of technology inspired by different life forms on this planet. By interacting with the objects through sound, vision, touch, and smell, this multi-sensory landscape will transport you into a world where your human experience is re-contextualized and alienated through sounds and stories of different organisms on this planet. The aim of this piece is to accentuate a non-anthropomorphic lens on nature, artificial systems, and human empathy through interactive storytelling that immerses and alienates at the same time.
The Connection is exhibited within Emergent, the post pandemic Mobile Gallery by Roberta Buiani, Kavi, and Lorella Di Cintio, which interrogates the role of exhibition spaces today and fosters new dialogues to better comprehend and cope with the emergence, survival, and adaptation of life due to climate change, global mobility, laboratory manipulations, and world making.
Programmed by Sensorium: Centre for Digital Arts and Technology at the School of the Arts, Media, Performance & Design (AMPD) as part of The Year of the Arts at AMPD.
See also: